
Billing & Insurance

Welcome to our Billing Department

Idaho Urologic Institute and Surgery Center of Idaho participate with most insurance programs.

If you have questions regarding our participation with your insurance, we recommend you contact your insurance carrier for verification. In order to expedite the filing of your insurance claim, please be prepared to provide your insurance card(s) at the time of your appointment and inform us of any changes to your insurance. Co-pays are due at the time of service. Financing and other options are available for those who do not have insurance.

And please note some services are not performed by IUI or SCI but do take place in our facility.  In these cases, a separate bill might be sent for the following:  radiologist, InterPath Lab, and/or anesthesia.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact one of our friendly billing representatives at (208)-639-4910.


Payment methods Mastercard, Visa, Discover

You now have the ability to pay your bill online. Click Here.

No Surprises Act & Good Faith Estimates

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who do not have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. Read “No Surprises Act & Good Faith Estimates

CARE CREDIT (Available for balances of $500 or more)

CARE CREDIT is a health, wellness, and personal care credit card that helps patients get the care they want and need, without delaying appointments or treatment. Cardholders can use Care Credit with promotional financing to pay over time for deductibles and treatment not covered by insurance.